【jn江南·体育登录入口】专家表示 我国网络安全形势依然严峻
栏目:公司新闻 发布时间:2024-10-07 23:18:01
本文摘要:Cybersecurity remains a major problem for China as electronic attacks are frequent worldwide and with no end in sight, according to a leading specialist on internet security.网络安全领域的一位顶级专家回应,由于全球范围内的电子反击事件时有发生且看上去无休无止,网络安全仍是中国的众多主要问题。

Cybersecurity remains a major problem for China as electronic attacks are frequent worldwide and with no end in sight, according to a leading specialist on internet security.网络安全领域的一位顶级专家回应,由于全球范围内的电子反击事件时有发生且看上去无休无止,网络安全仍是中国的众多主要问题。From January to October, China was hit by about 17.5 million cyberattacks, most of them from overseas, according to the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team and Coordination Center.国家计算机网络应急技术处置协商中心称之为,去年1月至10月,我国遭大约1750万次网络攻击,大部分反击来自海外。

Most online attacks were Trojan viruses and bots.大多数在线反击为木马病毒和程式。There were more than 17 million cyberattacks in both 2015 and 2016, and it can be clearly seen that our security situation is still weak, said Li Jia, deputy director of the authoritys operations department.该中心运行部副主任李佳称之为,2015年和2016年网络攻击皆多达1700万次,“借此可以确切地显现出我们的安全形势仍很脆弱”。

He added that attacks on Chinas critical infrastructure and key data have never stopped.他还回应,针对我国关键基础设施以及最重要数据的反击未曾暂停过。If the intrusions are successful, the damage to our State security will be huge - beyond our imagination, he said.他说道:“若入侵顺利,对国家安全性导致的毁坏将十分极大--程度惊人想象。”To alleviate such security problems, the authority shares information about security risks on its official social media platforms and website in a timely manner.为减轻此类安全性问题,该中心在其官方社交媒体平台和网页上及时共享了有关安全性风险的信息。

