谷歌光缆发展受阻 扩张计划要调整【江南体育官网】
栏目:公司新闻 发布时间:2024-10-20 23:18:01
本文摘要:Google Fibers plans to bring super-fast Internet speeds throughout the U.S. are hitting some stumbling blocks, according to recent reports.根据近期报导,谷歌Fiber目的大幅度提高全美网速的计划受到了一些阻力。

Google Fibers plans to bring super-fast Internet speeds throughout the U.S. are hitting some stumbling blocks, according to recent reports.根据近期报导,谷歌Fiber目的大幅度提高全美网速的计划受到了一些阻力。Citing sources close to parent Alphabet, tech-industry news service The Information said high costs of the current and a shortfall in subscribers led Alphabet CEO Larry Page to tell Fiber chief Craig Barratt last month to halve the size of the Google Fiber team to 500 people.据技术产业新闻媒体《The Information》援引谷歌母公司Alphabet的消息称之为,光纤高额的成本及缺少消费者,使得Alphabet首席执行官拉里·佩奇在上月告诉光纤计划负责人克雷格·巴勒兹,将光纤团队从原本500人的规模剪裁至约一半。Its internal target was to reach 5 million subscribers in five years of its start, but by the end of 2014, it counted only 200,000 broadband subscribers, according to the report.据该报导称之为,按原计划,在最初实行的前五年时间内用户规模约500万,但累计到2014年年底,只有区区20万的宽带用户。

The company announced Fiber, which offers speeds of one gigabit a second, in 2010 and launched in Kansas City in 2012. Google has since expanded Fiber to seven cities, including Atlanta, Nashville and Charlotte.光纤计划是谷歌公司在2010年发售的,目的为用作获取1G/每秒的网速,并于2012年在堪萨斯州积极开展,在随后的几年里,谷歌公司相继在还包括亚特兰大、纳什维尔和夏洛特在内的七座城市里积极开展此计划。While demand has been strong, build-out has been slow, allowing Googles telecom rivals to race ahead.虽然市场需求很充沛,但谷歌公司铺设的进展却极快,这给了其电信竞争对手迎头赶上的机会。Fiber delayed its rollout plans in two Silicon Valley cities to incorporate wireless alternatives, according to the San Jose Mercury News.据《圣何塞水星新闻》报导,谷歌在硅谷周边的两座城市先后两次沉没此计划,最后被迫采行与无线设备厂商合作的替代计划。

In a bid to speed up rollouts and make the cost more efficient, Google has been looking into using wireless technology for its future Fiber rollouts.为了减缓光纤计划的实行,同时使投放获得最有效地利用,谷歌早已与无线技术公司进行合作。Earlier this month the company filed with FCC for permission to use the 3.5Ghz band of spectrum to test the technology in as many as 24 locations over the next 24 months.在此前月初,谷歌早已获得美国联邦委员会关于测试3.5Ghz信号传送器的许可,并计划两年内在24个地区试点此项技术。

